Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's a Matter of Choice...

Nothing in our lives is forced...we make a concious choice after weighing all the options at hand. Some choices seem more difficult than others and at times, it seems we are left with no choice. It's interesting to note how often we find ourselves cursing fate and the bad hand dealt to us, opportunities that in hindsight we think we missed that someone else took advantage of...and it all seems to boil down to fate or chance. But it isnt!
Ever notice how many stories of successful people are often the rags-to-riches story...that they were down with nothing to lose and in that nothing to lose phase, how they found something incredibly good, fortuitously? But I kid not, it has nothing to do with's a matter of choice. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain so they made choices then, that they probably wouldn't have made otherwise. The choices that people make when they have nothing to lose are far different from the ones they make when they have much to lose. But it is a matter of choice. Greater risk, greater returns!
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you always have a choice. No matter how difficult the choice seems, there always is a choice. The fact that you care more for one set of options than another, leads you to classify one of the options available as the only plausible choice...
My point being, we make a choice...everytime and all the time. You do somethings for others and choose to head down some roads for their sake. Dont crib if you have chosen someone else's happiness over your own. Understand why you've made the choices you'll be much happier...nothing happens by chance...everything happens by choice...whether you agree to this or not, is again, a matter of choice...
Funnily enough, this was written after losing badly in Poker...I thought it was all a matter of a bad hand dealt out but it was a matter of the choices I made on whether or not to play...


Dr Riya said...

hey.. i know how it feels when one losses on an opportunity.. but yeh.. there was some hope in ur article.. liked it..from rags to riches.. i swear.. hardwork is the only way to success.. n i swear nothing is impossible on this earth...

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

My lost opportunity was on a Poker table on facebook...not too sure how profoundity inspiring that is supposed to be!
Hardwork? the risk of sounding cliched, I'd recommend working smart and working steadfast.
Is everything possible? I doubt it...but as long as it is in the realm of being realistic, one should never lose hope!

Psy said...

D. It is written. I write it.

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

You 'choose' to write it!

Psy said...

Whether or not you "choose" to write it, its only you who is writing it ;)

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

@Psy:> ~sigh~ It is a matter of 'YOUR' 'CHOICE'
Can we settle on that for now?

Psy said...

Plagiariser is explaining to me kya?!

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...


Psy said...

See children, this is what the world is like now...