Thursday, February 05, 2009

Married to Unhappiness

Yeah I am sure there are a lotta people who're thinking 'That's obvious! He always has been!' but I am not talking about myself. I am talking about everyone at large here!

We humans value pain more than we value comfort. When your days come to an end and when you're reminiscing about the life gone by, your most treasured memories will be from a time when everything was wrong. From all those times, you'll have learnt your lessons in life...from the times that you were happy, you'll have learnt nothing.

I wanted to write a poem on the plethora of emotions that I as a person go through so I tried listing down these emotions. On one side were the positive emotions and on the other were the negative emotions. I started with the negative emotions first. I had penned down 6 in 6 seconds...then I proceeded to the positive took me 6 minutes to get past 4!

Maybe some people would find it easier to pen down the positive emotions...I hope there are those. But as far as I can tell, most will have the same trouble as me. We humans are married to the pain...makes us feel alive...


Chronicler said...

so true... we are inherently sadistic...

cute n confused said...

yeah, and self pity is sadly the most used (?) and the most destructive emotion of all!

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

@swayam: yups...

@lehar: no...that is not something i subject myself to...except for when it comes to being single!

Bluebutterfly said...

I was watching the safari dicor ad and I was wondering you know what I would remember. After thinking for a while all I could really remember were the "learning experiences", the good memories came but afterwards...
So I agree.

Da said...

makes for some crappy anniversaries, i'll tell ya that! :)