Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yeah, life got the better of me
My brave but brief battle was in vain
I tried to dream things that no one did see
But ended up leaving it a dream in the end

Oh I was good and I knew it well
And I knew I could chase down those dreams
For there was a passion with which my heart did swell
When I spent countless hours by that stream

But she was resilient, was life in her quest
And stole my little joys away
Then sat there pointing at me and laughing aloud in jest
'Life always finds a way' she says

I thought I needed to give it space and give it time
And forgot t'was me that propounded time's irrelevance
Such poetic irony, could after all only be mine
My dreams and aspirations, separated from me, by my own white collared picket fence

I'd always dreaded ending in this fashion
Stuck in the rut, compromised and static
Long gone are the days when there was promise and so much passion
For today I was abused and called pragmatic...


RiĆ  said...

Nicely done. How r u doin??

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

Oh I'm doing great! But I'm beginning to think, I should've let daddy-o pay for my education!
You, temme...hows the English life?