Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trying to Say It!

How do words flow from the tips of my fingers,

As smoothly as tunes from the throat of a singers,

How do I find the right words at the right time,

When I sit down to write a rhyme,

How do ideas flow so clearly when I sit down to write,

As if what’s in my mind is in my sight,

How do I find clarity with a pen in hand,

It’s magical as if I were holding a wand,

How do I seem to always type the right things,

A new found confidence that a keyboard to me brings,

But how come when I wanna speak,

Words are stuck and only the wrong things from my mouth do leak,

Why is all my humour lost,

When I try to speak up, my tongue catches a frost,

So many feelings that stay buried in my mind,

The right words for the right emotions as I struggle to find,

I know it’s better to say too much then to never say what you need to say,

But what do I do if a bridge between my mind and my tongue God forgot to lay!


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

in this case , the pen is definitely mightier than the "tongue"

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...
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