Saturday, October 18, 2008

Of Greatness in Men...

"Bikram Wisodm : Men are great whence they have risen but rise they shan’t lest they have fallen…"

It’s true. Look through the pages of history and you will find that all who have risen have risen after falling. Perhaps what binds these men and women is the common chord of the hardships they have faced. It may be a slightly pitiful line of thought but I truly believe that the reason they conquered and achieved what they could not only for themselves but for all the others that have benefitted was because of these turbulent times. The pain and the turbulence go a long way in teaching lessons in life that cannot be taught and must be learnt the hard way, helping them understand themselves in ways they never guessed they could, helping them reach depths of emotion that unlock the far reaches of their mind that they did not know existed. It’s true when they say you don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve lost it. I do believe that you gain more by losing than you could’ve hoped to have if you’d always had it. One of those ironies of life.

Take me for example…if it hadn’t been for my loss, I probably would never have been the poet that I have become. To write a poem, I have come to understand that I must feel very strongly about the subject at hand and be in touch with myself in ways that others cannot be. It just gives you another perspective that cannot be found otherwise. Unfortunately for me, it seems I have gotten so deeply involved with myself that I can’t seem to write anything but a rhyme. As a matter of fact, even as I was writing this, I felt I might have been able to put across my thoughts better if I had written a poem instead…


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

You are good, you know that, but sometimes.... once in a while just write.... whatever.

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

i write alright and a lot!
i average about 4-5 poems a week on messages, small poems or sms rhymes as i call 'em. ask some of my friends, they get incessantly spammed! i reckon by now they want me to stop soon!


Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

oh, and echo to you too...
"You are good, you know that, but sometimes.... once in a while just write.... whatever."