Friday, October 17, 2008

A Breath of Fresh Air

I was feeling down in the dumps,

My life seemed to have too many bumps,

Lonely and forlorn, pain upon myself I wrought,

Each passing day, more sadness to me brought,

I lost hope and lay resigned to fate,

I sank slowly under a heavy heart’s weight,

My eyes for the world grew increasingly cynic,

A wrecked ship in the storm my life did mimic,

Just when I was convinced life to me was unfair,

She's walked into my life like a breath of fresh air…


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

i just dont get it... how come you are single ??

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

you know, one of our professors had once said in class once, "If one person says you're an ass, he's wrong; if two people say you are an ass, they're probably wrong; if three people say you are an ass, you should think about it, maybe you are; but if everyone says you're an ass, accept it, you are an ass!"
it's kinda the thing here, i reckon for all that i think, maybe there is something seriously wrong with me...might as well accept it then huh?
(ok, so that was lame girlish cribbing! but heck, i'm growing old and i've always been single! times running out on me!!!)