Sunday, January 13, 2008

Technologically Challenged

Ever had a moment when you thought you were unable to figure out how and why a device functions the way it does? Ever been marveled at how well somebody else you know can use certain features of a software or an electronic good which you fail to grasp even the basics of? Have you ever been ridiculed by the simplicity of something you thought to be otherwise? Ever been in a position where you thought you would never be able to figure out how to use something and so stayed miles away from it until one fine day, you no longer could carry on that way and had to learn it eventually only to discover it wasn’t really rocket science after all? If you answer with “yes” to any of the questions above, you are what may be termed as “technologically challenged.” However, in my experience I have not yet encountered anybody who is an exception to the rule and would hence never be naïve to ever term anybody with that phrase.
Let’s face it, being technologically challenged does not mean you don’t understand technology, it only means you are afraid of trying out something new. It means you do not accept change as easily as some of the other mortals around you. It means you are more of the conservative types (although you might wanna prove otherwise by stating a million other things that you do “unconventionally” like being a rebel and driving down the wrong side of the road or simply not being straight-forward, if you know what I mean… but heck those don’t count.) Accept it, you hate change and are really scared of being driven out of your comfort zone. And it is understandable, who would wanna face the world with unknown possibilities especially in a condition when you do not control the certainties of the outcome. (And hell no, I ain’t talking about calculating probabilities, trust me, that is the last thing on my list of to-do’s, period.)
But quite literally, be it driving a new car with automatic gears or using a microwave for the first time in your life or moving from a nokia to a sony-ericsson or shifting from Microsoft to Apple or trying out the new electric razors or (and this one is especially for the women!) trying to handle anything electronic, (yeah yeah, call me an MCP but that stands…) everybody is queasy about anything new that seems like rocket science. That includes ME, the geeks, the UN-conventionals, the rebels, the women or even you, just about everyone hates (or to put it in a more tasteful version, “dreads”) a change in life. In my opinion all humans, even rocket scientists, are technologically challenged. No exceptions to the rule. So the next time you fret using that new microwave with all the fancy, jazzy and pictographic buttons, don’t despair, use it. You ain’t the only one who doesn’t understand it. If not anyone in the world, you have yours truly for company at all times.
This comes after I tried my hand at hosting links to other bloggers on my blog. I dreaded the complexities involved for a whole year before I got adventurous enough to get out and do it! About time too I must say!!! My sincerest apologies to everyone involved here! Hehehe…


Unknown said...

then there's always the possibility that the machine does not work right. I for eg., lost 50 euros on a train-ticket vending machine, the machine simply swallowed it up! and that was the first time ever that I was using such a machine too!

just today this friend of mine wanted to try the snack bar at my university out. again, a snack bar is just a vending machine with all chocolates stacked up from bottom to top. again! the machine swallowed her money chocolates, no money back either! i guess the machines malfunction at the sight of me...i should try out more machines to judge how close this theory mine is to truth hehehehe

Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

i feel so much better ..... now that you have said that eevryne is tech challenged ....
i was a particular disaster when the ipods and mp3 came in .... i used to pride myself being the only one who could perhaps do a html coding in te family .... but alas it doesnt work that way .... my sister laughs at me coz i did not know how to operate a ipod .... i learnt quickly though ... i aint 70 now ...... just another teen who is ready to accept changes but not really big ones .....
and dont even talk about microwaves ... i ended up blowing the fuse .....