Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Loud Ears

Work is a great place to observe people. I truly enjoy observing the way people behave in their work environments. The huge egos, the bloated sense of superiority and the urge to impress are some of the common facets of the human nature I have observed across all departments. It was the only factor that led me to enjoy those miserable hours at work. (there were some other trainees there too that helped me have a ball of a time but that will be some other time)
Oh, coming back to the title. I saw that the most intelligent people in all those meetings I did attend weren’t people who were expressing their opinions at all times possible but people who sat silently through the meetings without much of a participation. Had I not known better I would have easily assumed they were preoccupied and distracted but that isn’t the case with such peculiar people. The best way for you to impose yourself on someone is not by expressing what you think but by listening to what they are thinking. After all, you cant get your point across if you don’t know what stance the person in front of you holds and more importantly you need to play your hand according to the cards your opponents hold.
It’s an old concept that isn’t too easy to implement. Silence is golden, speech is silver. In my case though I realized that more often than not, the ears can be louder than the mouth…


Id it is said...

Interesting observation... but,
if silence were really golden, then politicians would have long since disappeared from the face of this earth; but they are here to stay, and flourishing, and you'd agree it's got nothing to do with their ears and everything to do with their 'big mouths'. hehe
What does one make of that?

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

ahh... politics... now theres a world that defies logic...
i mean everything that we make to be meaningful and right turns out to be meaningless and wrong in their world. after all, the intelligent do prefer to stay away from politics. then again, if you notice, the men who eventually take up the most important positions as in president or prime minister are seldom men of many words.
george bush is an exception to the rule, i do concede...