Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rhyme Scheme

I was actually irritated at my impulsive desire to seek a pattern in everything i do. Like for example my poems. I find myself imposing a compulsion to writing to a rhyme scheme. It has to follow a pattern-
I guess this began back in school when i had written my first poem for the VINCENTIAN and my then english teacher, Mrs. M. Fernandes had struck it down telling me that the poem was beautiful but i should think about fitting it into a rhyme scheme, it would really bring out the beauty in the prose. I took the poem back and recomposed it following a rhyme scheme but didnt submit it back to her for fear of being rejected again. I think i should have because her guidance in those early years helped me write poems to a certain pattern following predetermined rhyme schemes. To this day, my poems are not composed with the first line in mind but the last line being the focus. The idea and the body of the poem is simplya product of the flow but the essence of a majority of my poems is in the last line. Often of course this could be clearly seen from the fact that my titles are derrived from the last line... Hope you can appreciate poetry better after reading through this.
(Ok, ok ill admit it. I wrote it because of a certain somebody who pointed out that my poems bore an undercurrent of logical flow and a compulsive desire for seeking a pattern in everything i do. Those who know me well enough would have never been pushed to making an observation as such, especially those who have visited my room back in the hostel! Nonetheless, i hope no one ever makes the mistake of assuming i strive even faintly to live by logic. All my actions are purely driven by impulse. I am sorry that my poems misled you to believing otherwise!!!)

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