Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Birthday Season

I logged onto orkut today and had my wits thrown out of me for a brief moment. There were fourteen birthday reminders for the period over the next couple of weeks! It wouldnt really have been all so bad but for the fact that of all the fourteen, nine are my closest friends, four are people i hit it off instantly with when i had met them and one is a girl that at one point of time i was interested in knowing better.
Had it not been for the fact that quite a few of them are now out of town for whatever reasons, my financial condition would look really bleak had i had to buy them gifts! Damn, its at times like this you wish you had a decent job (or atleast a girlfriend who had one!) Its not the end though, the peak period is yet to come when all my school friends have their birthdays. Would you believe it if i told you that after a detailed analysis of all my friends, i have noticed that most of my closest friends have their birthdays in the period between mid may and mid july!!! scary...
Im not much of a believer in astrology and the astrological signs but come to think of it, I am a gemini and almost invariably my friends are mostly Gemini too! (and cancerians. So if you are someone who has an interest in this field do let me know why i hit it off so well with cancerians and librans...)
Well anyways, I am really bad at gifting people anything and so all you people who are inviting me for their birthday parties (i really wouldnt take an offense if you didnt so dont worry) be forwarned that my gift to you might just turn out to be the displeasure of my company and maybe a cursory card (which i am so bad at picking out, i almost always pick out one of those childish cartoon ones with some really bad line that embarasses both me and the recipient...)
So heres wishing you a Very Very Happy Birthday...!!!


Meenakshi Rehani said...

1st June...
yours on 9th? or 11th?

you cant blame me for forgeting!!

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

its neither